A directory of charities, groups and organisations across the UK offering mental health and crisis support.
If you need help urgently call the NHS on 111, and ask for mental health services, call the Samaritans on 116 123, text SHOUT (a free, confidential and available 24/7) on 85258, or download the Stay Alive app.
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
W: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
T: 0800 9177 650
We work to relieve and support those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression by providing information, support and understanding via an extensive range of services.
T: 03444 775 774
Our e-learning platform provides people supporting someone with an eating disorder with a space to learn, share and find community through workshops, courses and forums.
T: 0808 801 0677
Bipolar UK is the only national charity dedicated to empowering individuals and families affected by bipolar. Peer support is at the core of our work.
T: 07591 375 544
We provide a range of support for people struggling with the impact of gambling on their lives. Our treatment is free, flexible and confidential. The aim of problem gambling counselling at Breakeven is to provide an opportunity for you to work toward increasing your well-being by becoming free of problem gambling.
T: 01273 833 722
E: info@breakeven.org.uk
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK.
T: 0800 585858
Child Bereavement UK helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We support children and young people (up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying. We offer free, confidential bereavement support for individuals, couples, children, young people, and families, by telephone, video or instant messenger, wherever you live in the UK. We also offer face-to-face support from a number of locations.
T: 0800 02 888 40
Staffed by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by bereavement, we offer support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies.
T: 0808 808 1677
Galop works directly with thousands of LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence every year. We specialise in supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, honour-based abuse, forced marriage, so-called conversion therapies, and other forms of interpersonal abuse.
T: 0800 999 5428
E: help@galop.org.uk
Hope after Suicide Loss (HOPE) exists to meet the complex needs of suicide bereavement. At HOPE we believe suicide loss should not remain under the care of general bereavement. A clear distinction needs to be made between the support offered for suicide loss that is recognised as psychological trauma and support given to uncomplicated grief.
W: https://hopeaftersuicideloss.org.uk/
T: 07548 315080
E: support@hopeaftersuicideloss.org.uk
Hourglass is the only charity dedicated to calling time on the harm, abuse and exploitation of older people across the United Kingdom. With more than 25 years’ experience and expertise, our mission is to listen, advise and support vulnerable older people and all those affected throughout the UK.
Tel: 24/7: 0808 808 8141
E: enquiries@wearehourglass.org
FB: @wearehourglass
X: @wearehourglass
The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It is provided by national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.
Kooth is a support service for 10 to 18-year-olds that you can access on any device that connects to the internet. The team at Kooth are there to provide free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling. The team is made up of online counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners who can be at the end of the phone when you need it.
For anyone in N.Ireland who is in distress or despair. Immediate help on phone 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Face to face counselling can be arranged, also befriending, mentoring. Issues dealt with include suicide prevention, self harm, abuse, trauma, depression, anxiety.
T: 0808 808 8000
MAP is here for young people. We are advisers, counsellors and youth workers who work together to provide the best help we can in a way that makes sense to you. We also provide education and training for young people, parents, carers and other workers.
T: 0800 0744454
E: info@map.uk.net
Supporting men who have experienced suicidal thoughts and are at the edge of crisis, our skilled and supportive team help men overcome the barriers that may prevent them opening up and talking to others. Men are not only supported in their mental wellbeing, but also with the practical concerns which may have precipitated their crisis, such as housing, money, or relationship difficulties.
T: 0800 208 8382
In the UK, one man in five dies before he reaches 65. Together we can change that. The Men's Health Manifesto sets out the changes needed to tackle the high rate of premature deaths in men.
T: 020 7922 7908
The UK’s leading charity for everyone’s mental health, with prevention at the heart of what we do, we aim to find and address the sources of mental health problems so that people and communities can thrive.
T: 020 7803 1100
Support for sufferers of M.E/CFS/Long Covid, with mental health challenges such as isolation, loss of identity, being unheard, unseen, and ignored.
W: www.meassociation.org.uk/about-the-mea/
We're Mind, the mental health charity. We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect. We can help you make choices about treatment, understand your rights or reach out to sources of support.
T: 029 2039 5123
Helping people who suffer from panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders and other related anxiety disorders, including those people who are trying to give up tranquillizers.
T: 0844 967 4848
We are Nurture UK, an organisation dedicated to improving the social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. We’ve been at the forefront of the nurture movement for over 50 years, and today – with ever more children and young people affected by issues that can impact their learning – our work is more vital than ever.
T: 020 3962 0886
E: info@nurtureuk.org
We provide support and information to anybody affected by OCD, work to raise awareness of the disorder amongst the public and front-line healthcare workers, and strive to secure a better deal for people with OCD.
T: 0845 390 6232
We’re here to support people through the difficult times, right through to recovery and everything in between.
T: 03332 127 890
Op COURAGE is a mental health service for veterans, reservists, and those leaving the Armed Forces. The service provides: Information and guidance for navigating civilian life, Specialist care and support, and Treatment.
W: https://londonveteranservice.nhs.uk/
The national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. Our vision is for a society which speaks openly about suicide and has the resources to help young people who may have suicidal thoughts.
T: 0800 068 41 41
Text: 0778 620 9697
Supporting people with mental health challenges by motivating and inspiring them to write poetry. "Poetry for Mental Health has supported thousands of people around the world through words and poetry!"
W: www.poetryformentalhealth.org
The National Christian Helpline is a confidential telephone helpline offering a listening ear, emotional and spiritual support from a Christian perspective, prayer and signposting. Open 9am to midnight every day of the year.
T: 0300 111 0101
Whatever’s on your mind, we’re here to listen. Free digital mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK. We offer a variety of anonymous support options to meet your needs.
At Refuge, we believe that no-one should have to live in fear of violence and abuse. Refuge’s specialist services include refuges, independent advocacy, community outreach projects, culturally specific services and the 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline.
T: 0808 2000 247
Rehab 4 Addiction was founded to assist those affected by substance misuse and their loved ones. We offer a range of services designed to help signpost you to the most effective treatments. This includes alcohol rehab, drug rehab, detox services, intervention, aftercare and outpatient counselling offered by a variety of UK Private Addiction Rehabs or NHS/Council-Funded providers.
W: www.rehab4addiction.co.uk/alcohol-rehab
E: 0800 140 4690
Rehab Recovery is an organisation that provides addiction treatment and healthcare advice for a wide range of different addiction and dependency problems. We offer high-quality advice and referral service that matches our clients to the right variety of treatment which will solve their problems and let them get on with their normal lives free of the burden of addiction.
T: 0800 088 66 86
The Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.
Freephone 0808 8010327
Our vision is for equality, rights, the fair treatment and maximum quality of life for all those affected by mental illness, their carers, family and friends.
T: 0300 5000 927
Safer Wales is an independent charity whose mission is to support, protect and empower groups of people who are often invisible in society. For the last 20 years we have been working with victims of domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, exploitation and hate crime.
Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 for free.
T: 116 123
Established to raise awareness and combat stigma about mental illness, educating and fighting to improve mental health services and to provide care and emotional support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers.
Text: 07984 967 708
Our helpline is here to support anyone experiencing domestic abuse or forced marriage, as well as their family members, friends, colleagues and professionals who support them. We provide a confidential, sensitive service to anyone who calls us.
T: 0800 027 1234
Text / WhatsApp: 07401288595
E: helpline@sdafmh.org.uk
SMART Recovery helps participants decide whether they have a problem, builds up their motivation to change and offers a set of proven tools and techniques to support recovery.
Our aims and ambitions are to tackle emotional and mental health issues brought about by the suffering from bereavement.
T: 07852 771272
We offer confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post. We work with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies.
Tel: 01708 765200
The Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide exists to meet the needs and break the isolation of those who have been impacted by a loss through suicide. We offer emotional support, help and information through our telephone helpline, information, peer led support group meetings around the country, online forum and virtual group meetings.
T: 0300 111 5065 (Monday and Tuesday 9am – 5pm)
The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
T: 0800 4 70 80 90
We offer you or a loved one a range of services depending on what you need, from detox and residential rehab to supported living and aftercare support.
The UK’s Leading Alcohol & Drug Rehab Provider. 190 detox and rehab beds across the UK, treatment for all addictions including alcoholism, drug addictions and eating disorders.
We provide free, confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health.
Welsh Women’s Aid is the national charity in Wales working to end violence against women and girls in all its forms.
W: www.welshwomensaid.org.uk/about/
Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. As a federation we provide life-saving services across England while building a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated.
If you are involved with agriculture or another rural business in any way and are feeling low or struggling, or if you are worried about a member of your family, a colleague or a friend, YANA can help. YANA offers specific help for those involved with agriculture or other rural businesses.
E: helpline@yanahelp.org
Leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. We’re here to make sure they get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.
Please email me details of any further charities, groups or organisations that you would like adding here: Robin@SaferMinds.co.uk
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If you need help urgently call the NHS on 111, and ask for mental health services, call the Samaritans on 116 123, text SHOUT (a free, confidential and available 24/7) on 85258, or download the Stay Alive app.